I'm sad to say there is an error in my code that is fudging the results when Price moves far beyond the original limits. I thought I had addressed this issue and fixed it, but it showed up again today. If I'm not able to fix it, I may have to make lemonade out of lemons and rewrite the indicator as dynamic pivots.
That may actually be better in the long run since once the limits are crossed it would be more helpful to see a recalculated plot of the Pivot Points.
I'll remove the odp file I offered with the historic charts, since those charts are not entirely accurate.
I apologize for not catching this error earlier.
Monday has exceeded the lower limits of the Daily Pivots.
Here is a weekly KumoBobsPivots.
The chart above highlights in yellow the times when Price escaped the predicted limits for the day. Click the link at the top to download an odp file showing the performance history of KumoBobs Pivots back to August 2010.
Here are the KumoBob Pivots for Monday 4/18/2011
It's still Sunday here in California. This forecast is good until Monday 16:15 Eastern Standard Time
Thats a very creative, innovative and impressive tool. Thank you I am very grateful for the forecast. Please continue with updates with the emini and additional markets.
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