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Thursday, December 22, 2011

The role of uninformed individuals in achieving democratic consensus

Playin with the 200 DMA
This trend line should offer resistance, but like I said before 1290 - 1300 area could be the target
The role of uninformed individuals in achieving democratic consensus

Conflicting interests among group members are common when making collective decisions, yet failure to achieve consensus can be costly. Under these circumstances individuals may be susceptible to manipulation by a strongly opinionated, or extremist, minority.

It has previously been argued, for humans and animals, that social groups containing individuals who are uninformed, or exhibit weak preferences, are particularly vulnerable to such manipulative agents.

Here, we use theory and experiment to demonstrate that, for a wide range of conditions, a strongly opinionated minority can dictate group choice, but the presence of uninformed individuals spontaneously inhibits this process, returning control to the numerical majority.

Our results emphasize the role of uninformed individuals in achieving democratic consensus amid internal group conflict and informational constraints.

Science 16 December 2011:
Vol. 334 no. 6062 pp. 1578-1580
DOI: 10.1126/science.1210280

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